Expanded Awareness https://expandedawarenessllc.org Expanding Your Potential to The Max Mon, 29 Aug 2022 08:20:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://i0.wp.com/expandedawarenessllc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Expanded-Awareness-Transparent.png?fit=500%2C500&ssl=1 Expanded Awareness https://expandedawarenessllc.org 32 32 209599017 Commons Ways We Sabotage Our Ability to Make Money https://expandedawarenessllc.org/ability-to-make-money/ https://expandedawarenessllc.org/ability-to-make-money/#respond Mon, 29 Aug 2022 08:16:02 +0000 https://expandedawarenessllc.org/?p=308 As humans, we all have our own ways we sabotage our ability to make money online. We may not even know what they are. But if you’re going to succeed in any business or online venture, you have to know how to avoid common ways we sabotage our ability to make money online. In this blog post, […]

The post Commons Ways We Sabotage Our Ability to Make Money appeared first on Expanded Awareness.


As humans, we all have our own ways we sabotage our ability to make money online. We may not even know what they are.

But if you’re going to succeed in any business or online venture, you have to know how to avoid common ways we sabotage our ability to make money online.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you commons ways we sabotage our ability to make money online.

I’ll also share some tips on how to overcome them and create a successful online business.

Who Has The Power to Make Money?

We have a hard time believing we can actually make money...

The most important lesson that can be learned from this blog post is that we tend to think of success as something that happens outside of ourselves. We believe that money comes to us when we are lucky enough to get a job or win a lottery.

In reality, money comes to us when we focus on what we want, and stop focusing on what we don’t want.

ability to make money

Many times, we get so caught up in our own desires that we forget to think about the money we could be earning.

When we focus on what we want, we begin to make money. When we focus on what we don’t want, we lose money.

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees!

Now, the ability to make money doesn't just fall into your lap. You have to put in the effort to earn it.

In fact, the biggest challenge I found is people believing that they have some sort of right to earn money without putting in the work.

Commons Ways We Sabotage Our Ability to Make Money

So, I'm going to share with you three ways we sabotage our ability to make money.

1. We focus on our fears, rather than focusing on our goals.

Fear and failure are two things that people spend a lot of their lives avoiding. We worry about things that might happen. But the truth is, we don’t need to fear failure. In fact, we should focus on our goals and not our fears.

2. We believe in the myth that "luck" plays a role in how well we perform.

Most of us are familiar with the term luck. We hear about people being "lucky" when they get the right combination of skills and luck and go for their dream job. It seems like there's a lot of luck involved in getting that job or desired 

3. We are afraid of getting into a rut and lose motivation.

If you are in a rut, you feel like you are running in place. You think you will never get anywhere. You feel stuck. You see yourself going nowhere and getting nowhere. The problem is you're looking at the wrong place. Your life is not stagnant. You are in the middle of a constant stream of change.

4. We get discouraged by the statistics that show most people do not make a significant income from their passion. 

We are constantly bombarded with statistics about how few people ever make a significant income from their passion. For example, I was reading an article yesterday and came across this statistic:

According to the article, only 1% of those who quit their jobs to pursue their passions ever make more than $10,000 a year from their passion. Wow! That sounds like a lot of people out there giving up their dreams and lives. Maybe I am one of them!

But I have to admit that this statistic did not surprise me. I have heard countless stories from friends about how they have given up their jobs in pursuit of their passion. I know some of them still work for someone else, and some of them are even making more than $10,000 a year from their passion. But for the most part, their incomes are not very high, especially considering how much they sacrificed to make their dream come true.

So why does the statistic surprise me? Because it does not represent all people who give up their job to pursue their passion.

In conclusion, the only thing standing between us and financial freedom is our own inability to recognize our own barriers to earning.

We fail to realize that we are sabotaging ourselves from achieving financial freedom, and that’s because we have a habit of not being aware of our own financial habits.

We live in a world where money is a constant focus. If we’re not focusing on money, then we’re focused on something else. And that something else is often the wrong focus.

An Opportunity to Make Money Online

Want to learn more about how to make money online and maximize your ability to make money? Click here to check out my free video resource and start creating your own online business!

If you got value from this post, leave me your comments below and feel free to share it with others!

Dedicated to YOUR Success,

Michael De La Cruz

The post Commons Ways We Sabotage Our Ability to Make Money appeared first on Expanded Awareness.

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